Mortgage ProductsOctober 19, 2017Best home improvement loan: how to find it and pay less for itWhat are the best home improvement loans available? It depends on your needs, home equity, and other factors. Here's how to choose.
Real Estate NewsOctober 18, 2017Everyone’s optimistic about today’s housing marketToday's housing market is churning -- full of buyers and sellers -- for good reason.Money is available and inventory is improving.
Mortgage NewsOctober 17, 2017P2P mortgage lending could be a game changer for MillennialsP2p mortgage lending is big news. Peer-to-peer lending has come to the mortgage industry.
About MortgagesOctober 16, 20179 ways to keep your mortgage payments lowHome affordability depends on your mortgage payment. Here are several ways to keep your mortgage payment as low as possible.
Buying a homeOctober 15, 2017Studies show mistakes childless couples make when buying propertyBuying property when you're childless doesn't mean ignoring things that families value. Your future needs (or those of your future buyers) should also count.
Buying a homeOctober 13, 2017How emotions affect your decision to buy a houseThe decision to buy a house involves the heart and head. But most people underestimate the impact of the emotional side, studies show.
Buying a homeOctober 13, 2017Should I buy a house or rent?Should I buy a house or rent? That depends on your short-term goals and your resources. Here's what you need to know to make this important decision.
About MortgagesOctober 12, 2017Are 3% down mortgage programs for first-time homebuyers only?Some great mortgage programs are available only to first-time homebuyers. But that's not the whole story. Find out here how you too can get access to some of the best home loans.
Real Estate NewsOctober 12, 2017Home prices: Growth stalls outHome prices are not necessarily skyrocketing everywhere. Take a breath and check out your market before you start worrying.
Real Estate NewsOctober 12, 2017Single women experience slower home appreciation than single menWhen it comes to the appreciation value of a home, single men see a better return than single women.
Real Estate NewsOctober 11, 2017Millennials make up home buying majority in these obscure townsYounger home buyers are dominating the housing market in some unlikely places. What's drawing them to these little-known areas?
Mortgage NewsOctober 11, 2017Home construction spending rises: Could it impact home prices?Building is up, but so is buyer demand. Is increased construction spending by builders enough to alleviate price increases?
Mortgage NewsOctober 11, 2017Mortgage approvals get way easier for those with student loans in 2025Fannie Mae just unveiled surprising new rules for home buyers and refinancing homeowners with student loans. Many formerly turned-down applicants will be approved this year.
About MortgagesOctober 11, 20175 steps to take before making an offerHome buyers find better homes at lower mortgage rates when they follow a checklist of pre-shopping best practices
Mortgage NewsOctober 10, 2017No down payment? You could crowdfund itOne lender allows home buyers to use platforms like Kickstarter and GoFundMe to gather their down payment funds from backers.
Real Estate NewsOctober 10, 2017Home survey: more homeowners prepare to sellDesperately low home inventory could become a thing of the past. More homeowners now think it's a good time to sell.
Real Estate NewsOctober 10, 2017Unmarried Women: Leaders in HomeownershipGeneration Z, unlike previous generations, has to Recession-era baggage when it comes to real estate. These people are ready to own a home. If you're one of them, here's what you need to know.