Mortgage NewsOctober 28, 2017Want to save cash? Save on closing costs and buy in MissouriWant to save on closing costs? Try moving to a different state. Costs differ substantially by location. If that's not possible, however, we have more tips for you at The Mortgage Reports.
About MortgagesOctober 28, 2017Lenders are making it easier to qualify for a mortgageIt is easier today than it has been for many years to qualify for a mortgage. That's because lenders re competing for fewer borrowers, and they have had to loosen their guidelines as a result.
About MortgagesOctober 27, 2017Should you pay off your mortgage before retirement?Before you quit the rate race, you need to make an important decision: should you pay off your mortgage before retirement?
Buying a homeOctober 26, 2017September new home sales soar to near-decade-best levelsNew home sales are rising. And so is inventory, finally, as builders attempt to keep up with demand.
Mortgage NewsOctober 26, 2017Realtors optimistic about next six months in housing marketsHousing markets are coming up roses, even though summer's over. Here's what you need to know if you're buying or selling today.
RentersOctober 26, 2017Advice for renters: What happens when my roommate moves out (and I’m not on the lease)?Advice for renters: what your rights are when your roommate leaves, and you're not on the lease.
Mortgage NewsOctober 24, 2017MBA predicts 7% jump in home purchase applications for 2018What's the mortgage and real estate forecast for 2018? MBA says home buying will pick up, but for now, sellers are still in control.
Buying a homeOctober 24, 2017Surprising ways that buying a home in upscale neighborhoods hurts your walletBuying a home in an upscale community involves more than just the higher price of the property. There is also the cost of keeping up with the Joneses.
Mortgage NewsOctober 23, 2017Freddie Mac survey: Mortgage rates edge down yet againMortgage rates fell slightly again, leaving analysts, investors and borrowers wondering when they are going to begin what most believe to be an inevitable move higher.
Buying a homeOctober 22, 2017Millennials are moving to the suburbs in bigger carsMillennials are moving to the suburbs in rural areas in suburbs now that they're able to purchase more. Not only that, but they're buying bigger cars.
Real Estate NewsOctober 21, 2017Your adult children are moving home: Don’t freak outAccording to a research study, 25 million adult children ages 25-35 years old are moving back to their parent's; the highest it's been since the 1940's.
Mortgage NewsOctober 19, 2017Mortgage payments: Freddie Mac feels your pain (and is doing something about it)Making your mortgage payment just got easier -- if you have a Freddie Mac loan. But this innovation is likely to become popular with all lenders.
Mortgage ProductsOctober 19, 2017Best home improvement loan: how to find it and pay less for itWhat are the best home improvement loans available? It depends on your needs, home equity, and other factors. Here's how to choose.