Mortgage NewsMarch 25, 2020Single homeownership is on the rise — especially in these age groupsSingle and ready to buy a home? According to a new analysis, single homeownership is at its highest rate since at least 1900.
Mortgage StrategyMarch 24, 2020How to pause mortgage payments if you’re laid off due to COVID-19Mortgage forbearance can defer your loan payments for up to 12 months if you're laid off or under financial stress due to COVID-19. Here's how it works.
FICO & Credit ScoresMarch 23, 2020COVID-19 dubbed a “natural disaster” by U.S. credit agencies. Take steps now to protect your financesCOVID-19 has been labeled a "natural disaster" by credit agencies. Here's what the government is doing to help credit scores and how to protect yourself.
Mortgage NewsMarch 23, 2020Sellers are in luck: Home value appreciation takes a turnHome value growth is finally on the rise again. In fact, according to newly released data, home values are up nearly 4% from just one year ago.
Mortgage NewsMarch 19, 2020Lower interest rates: A worst-case scenario? The reality of quantitative easingTwo Fed rate cuts didn't drag mortgage rates down, but quantitative easing to combat COVID-19 might. Here's why we're NOT hoping for new record-low rates.
Mortgage RatesMarch 18, 2020The race to zero: How mortgage rates got left behindThe Fed cuts rates to zero, but mortgage rates didn't follow. Now it's up to lenders to decide when to lower rates again.
Mortgage NewsMarch 18, 2020New analysis: Low rates have given a big boost to housing affordabilityAccording to a new analysis, The recent drop in mortgage rates has caused a spike in overall housing affordability — especially in Dallas.
Mortgage NewsMarch 17, 2020Record-low mortgage rates skyrocket due to strange lending phenomenon. What now?Record-low mortgage rates came and went. Last week saw a return to 4% rates and increased closing times. Here's what borrowers can do to help their cause.
Mortgage NewsMarch 16, 2020A look at SARS data: What the coronavirus pandemic could mean for home prices and buying competitionWhile the coronavirus outbreak is certainly no good news, it appears there may be a silver lining to look forward to — at least for hopeful homebuyers.
Homeownership TopicsMarch 13, 2020Are home warranties worth it? Only for someAre home warranties worth it? A home warranty can make budgeting for unexpected home repairs easier. But not all home warranties are created equal.
Mortgage NewsMarch 11, 2020Millennials are refinancing in waves — especially older onesThanks to record-low mortgage rates, refinancing activity has jumped in recent weeks — especially with older-aged Millennials.
Mortgage StrategyMarch 10, 2020Drop what you’re doing and finish your mortgage application insteadBuyers and refinancers: Make your mortgage application and loan documents top priority. Record low rates mean big delays as lenders fill up with applicants.
Mortgage NewsMarch 9, 2020Homebuyers and sellers: Look to this brokerage if you’re worried about coronavirus If worries of the coronavirus have you shying away from buying that dream house, one one brokerage has you covered.
Mortgage NewsMarch 5, 2020You probably already missed the ‘all-time low’ 3.29% mortgage rateYou may have heard that the lowest rates ever are here. But are they still available?
Mortgage NewsMarch 5, 2020Here’s how many Americans plan to buy a house in the next 5 yearsThe American Dream is alive and well. A whopping 84% say owning a home is a priority, while nearly 40% plan to buy a house in the next five years.
Mortgage NewsMarch 4, 2020New study: These are the best months (and days) to list your houseWant to list your house soon? According to a new study, homes listed in April and May sell the fastest and bring in the most profits.
Mortgage RatesMarch 3, 2020Emergency “double” Fed rate cut pushes mortgage rates to record lowsThe Fed just issued an emergency "double' rate cut as coronavirus fears continue. Mortgage rates sink to all-time lows.
Mortgage RatesMarch 2, 2020Your bank won’t give you a mortgage rate in the 2’s. Here’s whyMortgage rates should be in the 2's right now according to historical trends. But they're averaging almost 3.5%. Here's why banks won't let them go lower.
Mortgage RatesFebruary 26, 2020The lowest mortgage rates in nearly 50 years?This week, mortgage rates are close to the lowest they've ever been. Can they go lower? Or should you lock a mortgage rate today?
Mortgage NewsFebruary 26, 2020Here’s where homebuyers are the happiestBuying a home? Then head to the Midwest. According to a new survey, that's where the nation's happiest recent homebuyers are located.